POY, Ricard (2001 and 2004):
El repte. Records d’un cap de govern d’Andorra
El somni. Records d’un cap de govern d’Andorra
(The challenge. Memoir of a head of government of Andorra
The dream. Memoir of a head of government in Andorra)

The book El repte. Records d’un cap de govern d’Andorra, Ricard Poy (Barcelona, 1969, a graduate in Communication Sciences from the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona) is the result of the interviews between the author and Òscar Ribas Reig, the first head of the Andorran Government. It is not his memoirs, nor is it really a history book. The memories are the springboard that offer reflections that are based on a small part of the history of Andorra, from 1982 to 1984.

The second volume El somni. Records d’un cap de govern d’Andorra closes Ribas’ version of a leading period in the recent history of Andorra. The mere fact that he decided to tell it is worthy of a mention and Ricard Poy’s role of writing it is remarkable. Both of them did a huge favour to this country, in the form of a book, revealing an episode in our contemporary history about which we knew so little.

The volumes are accompanied by a series of appended volumes that were decisive in the political actions of that historic moment.
